It is in the study of scripture and the practice of solitude that my searching has always brought me back to the days when I was young and the things that God taught me at such an early age.
As I ventured into my past, memory lane became the catalyst for realizing how, now in my adulthood, strongholds mask truths and joy and dreams and vision and calling and breath! Strongholds that should never have taken up residency in my spirit and my soul--even captivating my body (ex. stress symptoms). But strongholds do that! We give them permission consciously and unconsciously. How so?
In life, we gather experiences and filling up our spiritual and soulful storehouse with everything from joy and love to bitterness and fear! We blame others for our pain, seek justice, and we look for the quick fix--the thing or person who will make it all go away, or at least feel better. Masking begins and the strongholds gain real estate at our very core. God is no longer Lord over our lives, the strongholds are. We even begin to believe that this is normal! It’s just part of life. It’s the tribulations that bible talks about. Then we can’t understand how we are to be victorious in Jesus while we experience such defeat.
The pursuit of demolishing strongholds is not for the faint of heart, but definitely for those who are ready for relief, healing and change that can be permanent. Trusting God in the process of self-examination and assessment will be key to being set free.
If you are ready to move forward in your journey, stay tuned for a series on demolishing strongholds here on my blog. Until the next posting, read and contemplate Hebrews 12:1-3.
Grace and Peace!